Friday, 26 July 2013

The Mexican Delicacies are getting old, but the games arn't!

Two more tasy morsels for you!

PLease by all means slag me off in comments, im a noob so i'm not even sure if it's on public, if it turns into another 4chan page i would consider myself a success, so let the flames war begin!

Rightio, first one i has for you is Xerxis brick formation vs a Garryth list, this is one of the more dissapointing games ive had... i lost where i simply should not have, i was in such a strong position and i just let it drop, I apologise for the first two images being cut in half but i think you get the drift. so here goes...

Xerxis- Pillar of society and all round nice guy (tier 1 or 2)
  • Bronzeback
  • Gladiator
  • Sentry
Max Cetrati
Max Incindiarii
Min Arcuarii
Min Beast Handlers
Tyrant Commander and Standard Bearer

Garryth- Wanker...
  • Phoenix
  • Sphinx (elara's)
Max Sentinels +UA (really good with mirage)
Mittens crew
Narn (bread)
Elara (newbie)
Wormgirl and wormyworm
 End of Round 1 - Set the brick and fill with mortar, this is where my first mistake was made. The Sentry was in the COMPLETE wrong position, he should have commited to either side, and not dilly-dallied in the middle. otherwise things ran up, Cetrati got Def Ward, Bronze got fury (not sure why). As you cannot see it in the picture, the incindiarii set up behind the cetratii, and they split their advance around the house in the middle (this was a very good move as it happens, Incindiarii do not need to clump).
 End of Skorne turn 2 - more advanceing into shield wall, Incindiarii lit things up including wormyworm, the objective, ended some sentinels and some mittens. My mistake was having to run the sentry over to the left, he should have been there to locker up and save the bronzeback from the sentinels (mirage and vengeance, all good things). The right flank seems to be progressing very well...
 End of Ret turn 2 - Sentinels charged and attempted murder, but failed wholesale, however they did put a chunk of damage on the bronzey and the sentry, nothing ol bronzey cannay clear up. The worm (hidden behind the house) burninated the three incindiarii on the left.the magister and the mittens crew killed one of the indindiarii on the right. At this stage i am feeling pretty good, really good actually.
 End of Skorne Turn 3 - Bronzey mops up, sentry finishes, Cetrati CAN'T charge cause of DAMNED WORMGIRL and her silly songs! Arcuarii do some stuff (not really any damage) Xerxis feats. this is my biggest flaw, i didnt commit to the right hand side, i needed to move xerxis right. I seem to have lost some of the photos, but basically what happens is my infantry finally begin to fall whole sale, even though i clearly have the lions share of board control and models, he has slipperness.

Essentially it ends with liberal application of garyth to Xerxis' face, but i had to attempt it to cease his victory by scenario. *sigh* i should have won, oh well he played very well from a backfooting, and i can't take that away from him, but i know for next time.

Game TWO!

Maka3da vs Rayvyn seems to be a fun little match up, he seems to think his eliminator/vortex of destruction girl is better than mine. We shall see...

Makaeda and the Exalted Court
  • Molik Karn
  • Bronzeback
  • Gladiator
  • Krea
  • Aptimus Marketh
Max Incindiarii
Min Beast Handlers
Mortitheurge Willbreaker
Swamp Gobbers

Rayvyn - Emo Elf of the Misty Vortexes
  • Hyperion
Arcantrik Force Generator
Invictors +UA
Mage Hunter Strike Force +UA

Here we go, elf bitch vs, ugly elf(ish) bitch-
End of Round 1 - Running, Vortex, krea aura and gobber smoke. Alot of the same for him, snipe on the Mage Hunters, Vortex up, running.
End of Skorne turn 2 -  Burnination of the ancient enemy commence! Molik murdered 2 and retreated (this image is before he retreats), incindiarii burninate quite a few, Makaeda's bodyguard moves up but doesn't attack (wups). smoke and mirrors are up. Babey titan stops focus for Hyp.

End of Round 3 - Stuff got lost here, but seemingly not alot happened, he shot the shit out of Molik but he remained standing, but then i went full retard and SCREWED MY ORDER OF ACTIVATIONS! I should have feated, but didn't, i should have rushed Molik, but didnt, I frogot to use my puppet master despite actually putting it on Molik. That whole turn was a big L2P for me! Hyperion did not alot due to Aggy. Molik did 5 pips short of decepitating Ravyn. *sigh*
End of Ret Turn 4(?) - Hyp moved up whiffed (aggy yay!) he pew pew'd Molik and some Incindiarii out of the zone, but didn't see the one on the hill contesting, chgucked up a Veil of Mists to block ravyn from Makaeda, I've just noticed that mr glads has been chasing butterflies at the back of the table all game... oh well. Smoke and Mirrors up again.

End of Skorne Tunr 5(?) - Bronzeback totals the Hyperion in one round (good puppy), Makaeda's Cronies mada a nuisance of themselves by tieing up the Arcantrik  Force dooby, and murdering two invictors. Gobbers counter Misted the Veil of mists, and Makaeda sat pretty.Burnination also occured, somewhere, but taht wasn't important.
End of Ze Game - Rayvyn charged the basilisk standing in the fog, threshered and hit the basilisk and one gobber, missing the other gobber and Makaeda. She then attempted to fill Makaeda with lead, and stab her in the chest, connecting a miserable twice which were promptly pawned off to mr lazy gladiator. Then Makaeda said, "Oh no you di'ent" and promptly slice rayvyn's pretty little ears off. NEW SLAVES FOR THE EMPIRE!

Thoughts, L2P, order of activations! Makaeda really should have rushed Molik, healed him and feated, instead the beasthandlers had to heal him instead of enraging, bloody waste of their time, but oh well, wins a win, and i don't think i played too bad really, infact i felt i played intelligently making proper use of aggy to essentially shut down Hyperion. Of Course Hyperion was unlucky not to hit Molik with any of his innitials, so hw had to divert something else to destroy him (ends up, it was an artificer, man those guys are mean)


  1. Your pictures are better than Chris' but they have no lines!

    Also make the body of the page wider so the text and pics aren't all bunched up, noob!

    /slag off

    1. Damned French Canadians giving us a bad name.

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