Game 2-
eHexeris the Sexeris
- Mammoth
- Gladiator
- Krea
- Shaman- bonded
- Raider
min Beast Handlers
Max Nihilators
2 Mortitheurges
Kaelysa (awesome pistol lady)
- Banshee
- Banshee
- Griffon
- Griffon
2 Arcanists
Mage Hunter Assassin whore-mouthed, bitch-slut Cankerous slagthorn (i hate them)
Artificer (my favorite Ret model, i really like the model, and it's rules are handy, if you don't like them, i don't like you)
End or Round 1 - People ran! Tried to murder the turd-burglar assassin, i failed, which is usually something i can achieve pretty easily. Mammy counter blasted. Nothing else of note happened.
End of Round 2 - She Feated (Ret went first), i managed to forget every single time i went to do something... at any rate the mage hunter charged the krea or something and didn't do much, and eventually got smited by Hex. Horseyman mover up and laser beamed like infinity guys, and my guys could to diddly to hurt him, Shaman whiffed with his gun, ashes to ashes did nothing, fabulous... all in all nobody really achieved anything here.
End of Round 3 - This one stung my opponent. a Griffon ran up to where that wreck is next to Hex, the banshee slammed the poor griffon into hex knocking them both down, luckily Hex had a transfer. He killed the middle objective. Horseman, griffon and the nihilators fluffed around a bit more (to my opponents chagrin) he was trying to unload his army into my nihilators, but the good boys just wouldnt go down, thanks the ancestors for Ashen Vale! Hexeris brutally murdered the Griffon, Hexeris had to feat just to get some tranfers after helping to murder some of the sentinels. However it was all in vain, as the mammoth unloaded a full barage into Ms Kaelyssa and ended her short life abruptly.
Thoughts - I'm not even sure this is how it ended, but i know i won. Nihilators with Ashen Vale are good... goooooood, the sentinels just couldn't do anything.
Game 3 - Fat Spicy Taco
- Bronzeback
- Sentry
- Gladiator
- Canoneer (i hate her, but she was there)
- Krea
Max Crocs + Taskmaster
Min Nihilators
Max Beasthandlers
- Daemon (he really wanted to try this guy, apparently the internet hates him, i was impressed)
- Discordia
Max Invictors +UA
2 Ghost Snipers (Really not worth their points)
eEyeris (don't know how to spell her name, thought i'd be funny)
End of Round 1 - TROLOL, canoneer blew eEiryss up in one shot on the first turn, my opponent was quite disheartened by this, as it 'happens every goddamned time!" i tend to aggree with him, i do seem to murderlate her everytime she looks at me strangely. otherwise every other guy just ran up, gators got tough, the sentry got carnivore (mat buff is required). He essentially did the same some spells went around.
End of Ret Turn 2 - Well, the main parts of my army did sweet fuck all... but my troops got their shit pushed in... really hard, like not even tough was stopping him. HOWEVER his horseyman (non character) moved up, and under feat (additional attack die on ranged) attempted to blast away like all my remaining nihilators+ a paingiver or two, but whiffed spectacularly, rolling a 4 on 3 dice, needing a 5, i pooped myself!
Witness my brilliant photoshopping (paint) skillz! but also, troll horse, ruining my bro's time. Rayvyn kinded trololol'd around the forest chucked a veil of mists up and did nothing else.
End Skorne Turn 2 - Ol' Chomper got +2 Str and stabbed at character horse, horsey died, but Mister Skyreth or whatever just jumped off as if everything was cool. Bronzeback charged mister Herp-Derp, and herped much harder than the original, recieveing not the bronze medal fro herping, but the gold! (he failed to hit the horsey man with infinity attacks). Sentry charged up killed the objective, and two of his bros in the zone, then lockered. More Nihilators whiffed. Rasheth manages to get a BoC right up into the invictors essentially stalling their inevitable revenge.
End of Ret Game - My things all died with the help of missus Vortex, he got the zone for a domination...
Now for some reason i don't have a picture of the last play of the game, but it went something like this. A paingiver walks up, Just short of being a good arc node for rasheth to land a blood mark on Rayvyn, but he feats anyways for good measure. Glads slammed Daemon over to JUST hit Rayvyn, knocking them both down, doing a fair bit of damage to both targets, he then DOESN'T follow up, and messes up Discordia pretty bad. Then Ms Cannoneer walks up and blast a new hole in Rayvyn, i must eat my words, no one else could have ended it there, and one more turn and i was toast!
Thoughts - This always happens with Rasheth, down to the wire, and he wins with a gladiator slamming bitches. Honestly i don't think i make the best use of bloodmark with Rasheth but i abuse the hell out of BoC.
That was a close game. All up until Ravyn got the back end of a Daemon all in her grill.