Thursday, 29 August 2013

Games, yes i still play. No i don't hate the internet.

Hey there,

I HAVE been playing quite a few games and i have taken a few happy snaps. However me being an excitable 12 year old (at least in maturity) i rarely take pictures at the end of everyturn. Too distracted by the burning and dying mans all over the board, also it was great to see my mates across the pond, and catch up with the guys at the Geelong Gamers Guild. If you are in that neck of the woods they meet on Mondays in the Guide hall on Myers street (the CBD), good friendly bunch, and they're recently very keen on Wamahordes!

The Games- So i got 3 in on the Sunday against my good buddy who lives up in Melbourne, he plays Menoth and Circle and is a little out of practice as he does Uni or some other silly thing like that. And i think i got a further 3 in on the Monday at the Guild (as above), of which i have images from 2 of them, also they are only at the 15 point level due to their Journeyman league (i was an 'honorary' journeyman). Also the game with my buddy was on a whiteboard, so our terrain is drawn on, and the lighting wasn't great, so i will attempt to use my words and spin a tale.

First Game- This one was eSexy vs eSeverius!
My List was my standars Sexy mammoth list

E Hexeris
          -Cyclops Raider
          -Basilisk Krea
          -Cyclops Shaman (maybe not so standard)
          -Titan Gladiator
Max Praetorian Swordsmen + UA
Min Paingiver Beast Handlers
Mortitheurge Willbreaker

His was (to the best of my ability)

E Severius
Max Temple Flame Guard + UA
Max Choir of Menoth
Knights Exemplar
Exemplar Seneschal
Rupert, FUCKING, Carvolo Esq IV (almost as bad as Mage Hunter Assassins, almost)

Turn 1- (this game has pics at the end of every round)

Standard first round, stuff ran, his TFG got all the Defence, swordsmen for Ashen Veil in answer, Krea Animus'd, and most other stuff ran. He may have cast more Menoth Horse-shit, but it wasn't too important (i think he sang for no shooting).

Round 2- My Swordsmen  run/charged and nomnom'd some TFG which was nice/lucky, the mammoth was sniped by the raider who shot something and failed (i think). the Mammoth walked up and removed some knights and TFG. At this stage i was just jostling to bully him out of the zones, alowing me to have a strong position in the middle of the board with Hexeris. I knew my assassination threat was much more scary than his. The shaman moved up and put soe damage onto his Seneschal. Gladiator moved up for some slamming/charging goodness. His stuff all went batshit and broke my stuff, guns fired, shamans got bruised (but lived YAY) and swordsmen got impaled (it's their job).

Round 3- Game over! (i think i've been typing it wrong, and im too lazy to redo it, he went first) His stuff came up and attacked all my things, tried to jam as much stuff as possible, and tried to shoots my suport off the board. Unfortunately, my lovely little Arc Node in the krea was alive and well, and my feat was intact, you can guess what unfolds here. First up, Mammy charged up and removed bulk knights from interferring with my poor bling basilisk, the little guy moved up to try and shoot the old man, missed (sadface). BUT hero Hexy charged a lonely knight in the middle of the field, putting the basilisk into arcing range. I Arc 3 Hellfires (missing one) to kill him, I stand by the eSexy spell assassinations, they are always a threat, very fun game though, especially since i left his jacks largely alone. Their ability to wholesale fuck up my mammoth was a little too scary.

Game 2- this may be a long post.

           -Molik Karn
           -Titan Bronzeback
           -Titan Gladiator
           -Basilisk Krea
           -Aptimus Marketh
Min Paingiver Beast Handlers
Max Cataphract Incindiarii
Mortitheurge Willbreaker

e Kreoss (I'm Pretty sure)
           -Sanctifier (this what it's called?)
Paladin of the Order of the Wall  (all the words)
Max Choir
Max Cinerators (he knows)
Knights Exemplar
Exemplar Seneschal
Rupert Carvolo....

(sorry its sideways)
Stuff ran, Vortex, cloud. his stuff ran choir said "i do nothing"

Round 2- jostling, Running. He has made his scenarios position much better. We're playing an oldie, the one with the zone (expertly circular) and a flag. Commander Aggy taking the lead, what a good person i am!

Round 3- I take the field aggressively... ish. Aggy trundles up and cries at his 'jacks. NO FOCUS FOR YOU! Incindiarii start lighting fires, burning 'jacks and Choir. Bronzey got all Ornery and punched some cinerators ALMOST broke a jack, punched some exemplar, not the greatest move, but really fucked with his orders of activations, and forced an early Kreoss activation/feat.

404- File not found. Sorry guys missing his turn here. Basically what happened was, the devout charged the Incindiarii right next to Molik, Smacked it (with choir punching song), killed it, side stepped into Molik, and severely hurt him (man Menoth 'jacks hurt!) He spent ALOT to kill the Bronzeback, resulting in Kreoss saying, "Menoth DAMN IT! you guys can't do shit without me!" he swings and murderlates the Bronzeback. HE sends some exemplar and choir up in an awkward position, UNFORTUNATELY clumping them. The cinerators form up behind the wall. This leads to my turn, when Molik gets his own back and bum sexes the Devout, Mister Pillos Pants moves forward and does a lovely Eliminator to put Makeda into range of Kreoss...

 Then this lovely scenario plays out, as Makeda Decapitates the poor Menite with 2 swings (the spine was very thick). Still loving Makeda and Pillow Pants, such a lovely combo.

I have 1 more game with my mate to report, but i really should do some work today... I will DEFINITELY post it, plus more tomorrow! I PWOMISE


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    We're playing an oldie, the one with the zone (expertly circular) and a flag. Commander Aggy taking the lead, what a good person...
