Friday, 30 August 2013

Alcohols and games, Tomorrow (today, work sucks)

I forgot to say, I'm playing a Tournament at my good friends place (the guy with all the Ret) Today. The thing is that there will be (almost compulsory) Alcohol consumed. The aim is to get ridiculous, play some fun games and try and win, or lose, or not give a fuck... Winning. I will be running an eMorghoul list and a Xerxis list, eMorghoul is a thing, SHUT YOUR PIG MOUTH! The (not final) lists are as follows...

        -Aptimus Marketh
        -Molik Karn
        -Titan Gladiator
Mortitheurge Willbreaker
Extoiler Soulward
Paingiver Task Master
Min Paingiver Beast Handlers
Max Gatorman Posse
Max Nihilators

Essentially I'm tossing up whether or not i drop the Nihilators and the Soulward for a Bronzeback, i hear they're good, otherwise it isn't a GREAT list, but it's eMorgs, what'd you expect?

Xerxis (Tier 2, discount Cataphract Units)
         -Titan Sentry
Max Cataphract Cetrati
Max Cataphract Arcuarii
Max Cataphract Incindiarii
Min Paingiver Beast Handlers
Tyrant Commander & Standard Bearer
Min Venator Slingers

In this one, there could be a bronzeback, maybe even should be... hmmmm. The main issue is, I really want all these cataphract, they all server separate goals, Cetrati Die/live (depending on their mood), Arcuarii hit shit like what brick shit houses want to hit shit like, and incindiarii burninate all the peasants (and Eirys, always Eirys). The sentry could go, aswell as the slingers, and then take a catapult. This could be interesting, all the armour crack in the world, with incindiarii as back up... hmmmmmm, ill decide in a few hours.

I may, or may not take pictures. I also may or may not be too drunk to function, we'll see. Love you.

Round Zwei!

As i said last night, i am here to finish the Australian mission. I have a couple of games which were at a 25 point level. Quick easy games, the guys that i was playing against were relatively new to the game (quite new infact, considering i've been around since the release of Hordes), both were quite fun. Involving derps from your's truly. I had my first impression of Convergeance of Cyris, and i must say i am thoroughly unimpressed. At least by the Battlebox, that 'caster, and those 'jacks? who the hell thought that was a good idea? I completely brutalised his entire army except for a single eye bot and his 'caster, which just won on scenario. However I have seen some of the rules for the other guys in the faction, and the Synergies you can get from them seem really fun.

Game 1:

Master Tormentor Morghoul
-Cyclops Savage
-Cyclops Savage
-Titan Gladiator

Min Paingiver Beast Handlers

Ltd. Alistair Caine

Please note that the left savage is my converted Raider from one of the battlebox Savages. Also the core of our lists were set, we had very little customization available to us. I had the battle box +4 pts, or i could use Xerxis with both basilisks, no brainer there! He was limited to battle box, or Caine with defender+Hammersmith.

Round 1- Run Run, Erry'body Run. Glads got Admonition. I think the charger got Snipe, all his stuff moved up and took its shots, dealing modest damage, not enough to hurt too much though. BLogger won't let me rotate it to its' proper angle, it is being mean, and i apologise.

Round 2- (Expertly draw lines) The Savages were both abused, enraged and one was rushed. These two badasses charged up and ruined the days of the hammersmith and the charger. Taking off the charger's gun/movement/cortex, and the 'smith's movement and cortex. Mister Wah Wah went up and said NO FOCUS (in vain). Now my clever little opponent moved Caine up and unloaded his fuselage into Morghoul, however Cover saved my tiny Skorne Hiney and signed Caine's Death Certificate.

Round 3- Mister GLadiator was enraged and slammed a paingiver into Caine, dealing bulk damage. Then the right most Savage went nuts and tore off the Hammersmith's arms, Alowing the other savage to disengage and decapitate the poor Cygnaran. Sad face for Caine, Nervous laughter for Morghoul.

Game 2- This game comes after an intro game i had with a new Menoth player, i was trying to show him all the cool stuff that can happen as opposed to 40K, unfortunately that lead me to slam a heavy over the top of Kreoss, meany. ANY WAYS, this game is my one with the CoC. Dissapointing that i just let him have it, but them's the breaks.
Round 1- You can see what i do here(red), and what i should do (purple), and the wanker (yellow) who cause my loss, what a dick!
Round 2- Sorry a bit Blurry, Savage number one went up and severly chopped stuff, and as he went first there were little repercussions.. yet.

 Round 3- Punch Punch, i take some zones, wreck all his stuff, but because i feared his boss (i really shouldn't have) i didnt control the middle flag with my caster (it was a weird scenario where all the flags stayed, and your caster counted as a scoring/contesting model, but no domination), the writting was on the wall here lads. I lost on scenario from silly eye bots, because of stupid hubris and wanting to kill as many robot people as possible. WHAT EVER MAAAAAN.

Thursday, 29 August 2013

Games, yes i still play. No i don't hate the internet.

Hey there,

I HAVE been playing quite a few games and i have taken a few happy snaps. However me being an excitable 12 year old (at least in maturity) i rarely take pictures at the end of everyturn. Too distracted by the burning and dying mans all over the board, also it was great to see my mates across the pond, and catch up with the guys at the Geelong Gamers Guild. If you are in that neck of the woods they meet on Mondays in the Guide hall on Myers street (the CBD), good friendly bunch, and they're recently very keen on Wamahordes!

The Games- So i got 3 in on the Sunday against my good buddy who lives up in Melbourne, he plays Menoth and Circle and is a little out of practice as he does Uni or some other silly thing like that. And i think i got a further 3 in on the Monday at the Guild (as above), of which i have images from 2 of them, also they are only at the 15 point level due to their Journeyman league (i was an 'honorary' journeyman). Also the game with my buddy was on a whiteboard, so our terrain is drawn on, and the lighting wasn't great, so i will attempt to use my words and spin a tale.

First Game- This one was eSexy vs eSeverius!
My List was my standars Sexy mammoth list

E Hexeris
          -Cyclops Raider
          -Basilisk Krea
          -Cyclops Shaman (maybe not so standard)
          -Titan Gladiator
Max Praetorian Swordsmen + UA
Min Paingiver Beast Handlers
Mortitheurge Willbreaker

His was (to the best of my ability)

E Severius
Max Temple Flame Guard + UA
Max Choir of Menoth
Knights Exemplar
Exemplar Seneschal
Rupert, FUCKING, Carvolo Esq IV (almost as bad as Mage Hunter Assassins, almost)

Turn 1- (this game has pics at the end of every round)

Standard first round, stuff ran, his TFG got all the Defence, swordsmen for Ashen Veil in answer, Krea Animus'd, and most other stuff ran. He may have cast more Menoth Horse-shit, but it wasn't too important (i think he sang for no shooting).

Round 2- My Swordsmen  run/charged and nomnom'd some TFG which was nice/lucky, the mammoth was sniped by the raider who shot something and failed (i think). the Mammoth walked up and removed some knights and TFG. At this stage i was just jostling to bully him out of the zones, alowing me to have a strong position in the middle of the board with Hexeris. I knew my assassination threat was much more scary than his. The shaman moved up and put soe damage onto his Seneschal. Gladiator moved up for some slamming/charging goodness. His stuff all went batshit and broke my stuff, guns fired, shamans got bruised (but lived YAY) and swordsmen got impaled (it's their job).

Round 3- Game over! (i think i've been typing it wrong, and im too lazy to redo it, he went first) His stuff came up and attacked all my things, tried to jam as much stuff as possible, and tried to shoots my suport off the board. Unfortunately, my lovely little Arc Node in the krea was alive and well, and my feat was intact, you can guess what unfolds here. First up, Mammy charged up and removed bulk knights from interferring with my poor bling basilisk, the little guy moved up to try and shoot the old man, missed (sadface). BUT hero Hexy charged a lonely knight in the middle of the field, putting the basilisk into arcing range. I Arc 3 Hellfires (missing one) to kill him, I stand by the eSexy spell assassinations, they are always a threat, very fun game though, especially since i left his jacks largely alone. Their ability to wholesale fuck up my mammoth was a little too scary.

Game 2- this may be a long post.

           -Molik Karn
           -Titan Bronzeback
           -Titan Gladiator
           -Basilisk Krea
           -Aptimus Marketh
Min Paingiver Beast Handlers
Max Cataphract Incindiarii
Mortitheurge Willbreaker

e Kreoss (I'm Pretty sure)
           -Sanctifier (this what it's called?)
Paladin of the Order of the Wall  (all the words)
Max Choir
Max Cinerators (he knows)
Knights Exemplar
Exemplar Seneschal
Rupert Carvolo....

(sorry its sideways)
Stuff ran, Vortex, cloud. his stuff ran choir said "i do nothing"

Round 2- jostling, Running. He has made his scenarios position much better. We're playing an oldie, the one with the zone (expertly circular) and a flag. Commander Aggy taking the lead, what a good person i am!

Round 3- I take the field aggressively... ish. Aggy trundles up and cries at his 'jacks. NO FOCUS FOR YOU! Incindiarii start lighting fires, burning 'jacks and Choir. Bronzey got all Ornery and punched some cinerators ALMOST broke a jack, punched some exemplar, not the greatest move, but really fucked with his orders of activations, and forced an early Kreoss activation/feat.

404- File not found. Sorry guys missing his turn here. Basically what happened was, the devout charged the Incindiarii right next to Molik, Smacked it (with choir punching song), killed it, side stepped into Molik, and severely hurt him (man Menoth 'jacks hurt!) He spent ALOT to kill the Bronzeback, resulting in Kreoss saying, "Menoth DAMN IT! you guys can't do shit without me!" he swings and murderlates the Bronzeback. HE sends some exemplar and choir up in an awkward position, UNFORTUNATELY clumping them. The cinerators form up behind the wall. This leads to my turn, when Molik gets his own back and bum sexes the Devout, Mister Pillos Pants moves forward and does a lovely Eliminator to put Makeda into range of Kreoss...

 Then this lovely scenario plays out, as Makeda Decapitates the poor Menite with 2 swings (the spine was very thick). Still loving Makeda and Pillow Pants, such a lovely combo.

I have 1 more game with my mate to report, but i really should do some work today... I will DEFINITELY post it, plus more tomorrow! I PWOMISE

Friday, 9 August 2013

No, I have not thrown in the Tortilla!

Hey doods!

No i have not forgotten you, just having issues emailing my photos through to my work email, i have played some games, but real life is getting in the way of robot and elephants playtime. I lost those games anyways, so no real loss!

Anyway this weekend im travelling back to the land of AUS to tackle a childhood friends stuff, and maybe get some games with some of his mates as well, i should at least get a game with a menoth or circle player (yay Variety), but i know that legion, cryx and Khador may also be present. Then on Monday i might get some games in in my home town of Geelong, the guys there are playing a journeyman league so i may play at their points level (15 points) or convince one of them to play up at 50. I know that they have alot of people just starting the game in the league, so i think it would be quite exciting for them to see a mammoth punch stuff till it's all dead!

I still love you!

WEEEEELLLLL, while I'm here i may as well do a tactica, but who to publish. Who. To. Publish...

XERXIS! (Yes, his names has an 'I', not an 'E', he is not Persian, he's Skornate (Skornish?))

Now here we have the hero of the Skorne, the full embodiment of what it is to be a Desert, vampire, Persian come Samurai, evil elf from the East! He is a beast, and can be extremely fun to play. Unfortunately i do not feel that he is the most competitive of 'Locks. He seems to be a one trick pony that is very easy to flank or beat.


Spd- a Little Low - 5
Str- a Little High - 8
Mat- High Again - 8
Rat- Fuck Off
Def- a Little Low - 13
Arm- A Little High - 18
Cmd- Low for who he is - 9
Fury- Hideously low - 5

The Outstanding parts here are the low fury and Def, He will have problems staying on the board even with his high Arm, being hit on average by MAT 6? dayum, that aint good. Low speed means he won't be getting the drop on people (until you take his abilities into account) but his high Mat and offensive potential means he's taking chunks out of most things when he connects, and with Mat 8, he will.

Weapons- Pillars of Halaak - bits of masonary he tears out of Cygnaran castles before he assaults them...
P+S 14, with 2 attacks? yowza!


Battle Plans - same as a Tyrant Commander+ standard minus Reveille. Very handy being able to hand out pathfinder or +2" when advancing, keep in mind he can do these on himself.

Martial Dicipline- Bread and butter right here, his bitches can move/draw line of sight through other bitches (warrior models). This also applies to him REMEMBER THAT. this means his brick will be leap frogging. Incindiarii move fire, Cetratii move up and shield wall/charge through the incindiarii. Sex is on fire! (Note this is only in CMD, not Control)

Overtake- Now i have never used this before on him, i haven't seen the need. But could be situationally ungodly!

Combo Smite (* Action)- Generally wouldn't be using this as you probably want to just shatter anything you put infront of him, his P+S is high enough. But if there is a wall/beast behind what ever you're slamming this could be awesome for the P+S 20 (23 with fury) boosted (double boosted with feat, or triple with feat+self boost) damage roll on his target, and if it's a warnoun, then laugh all the way to the bank as they're knocked down and you wail on them with your stolen masonary!

Spells- Defender's Ward- best defensive upkeep in the game, never don't use it. on Cetrati it is obscene! On anything else it is amazing, just use it dammit!

Fury- very nice offensive buff, i don't see why something shouldn't always have this upkept.

Inhospitable Ground - Generally i would say this is a trap!

However it can be useful if you are in a decent position, and you arn't fighting against much ranged/magic. 3 Fury is just so expensive for Xerxis.

Feat - All the mans get an additional die on melee damage rolls! and +2 ARM when in B2B with another FF model. Brilliant feat both offensive and defensive. Don't be afraid to use this feat early, the defensive boost can be just as effective as the offensive. I often find that Skorne offence especially with Xerxis on the table, is already high enough. That's not to say don't charge stuff with your weapon masters with fury. I mean Pow 14/15's with 5 dice is pretty good... yeah it's pretty good.

Thoughts- Xerxis is wanting to play a brick, he isn't the fastest of guys around, but can bump it up to a respectable range, his Def is low so he wants screens/shield guards. But what he does for our already stellar troops is just awesome. Defenders ward is sexy, his feat is sexy, fury is sexy and Martial Dicipline is amazeballs! He is just survivable to be able to do some work himself, as long as you think you can close up the cetrati ranks around him to help save his life.

Obvious Synergies- Cataphracts, Cataphracts, Cataphracts! Cetrati are amazing with him, but you probably don't want Vorkesh just so you can chuck up Def Ward. Arcuarii benefit huge from fury/feat, their drag can level a light jack on feat/fury turn! Incindiarii help him thin out the high Def chaff that people like to bog his Cetrati brick with, BURN THEM! BURN THEM ALL!
You would probably consider taking him in Tier for the discount cataphract, very decent if restrictive, no krea or brute which are handy with him. Tiberion can make him very formidable being an immovable shield guard, plus hitting like a brick shit house! Bronzebacks for obvious reason, the will wreck a gargossal with little effort on feat turn. Paingivers for obvious reasons. The tyrant Commander + Standard is quite handy as it allows the rest of the army to keep up with the press forwarded cetrati shield wall, also Reveille is very nice. Remember Reveille works on beasts too! Sentries are good defensive beast, but they lack the Mat which is required for Xerxis, his army can already break the hardest of armours, and whether a pretty big storm, but locker is very nice. Orin Midwinter is another commendable addition, null magic is very nice for a brick. Hey YOU! YEAH YOU! NOT TELEKINESIS! back off Vorkesh, I've got this!

Final Thoughts- Very high defensive capabilities, very high Offensive capabilities. However! Xerxis tends to play a pretty tights brick, so his scenario play is a bit wanting. Also due to the tightness of his brick he is very laiable to be flanked. On the plus side he verily laughs at Haley double Stormwall/Bart Galleon, shooting? HA! it's like shooting 10 foot steel with a slingshot! Be careful of eGaspy's million banes as they WILL out damage you, Vyros will absolutely destroy you with his "I see through everything, tra la la la la!" Xerxis is a very strong Warlock, but not as competitive as i would hope, but quite easily one of the funnest, giggle with glee as you basic troops topple the biggest of enemies!